Below are key drivers of Wheaton Precious Metals Corp.'s value that present opportunities for upside or downside to the current Trefis price estimate for Wheaton Precious Metals Corp.:
Wheaton Precious Metals Corporation is the world's largest silver streaming company. The company currently has fourteen silver purchase agreements and two precious metals agreements. In exchange for an upfront payment, it has the right to purchase all or a portion of the silver production at a low fixed cost from high-quality mines located in politically stable regions.
Based on the 2020 report, attributable production totaled 22,892 ounces of silver, 22,187 ounces of palladium, and 367,419 ounces of gold.
We have divided the company into ten divisions based on its current streaming contracts.
The Salobo mine consists of Wheaton Precious Metals Corp.'s 75% interest in the gold by-product produced from Vale's Salobo copper mine, located in Brazil. The signing of a streaming agreement for an additional 25% of the life of mine gold production from the Salobo mine in August 2016, over and above the pre-existing agreement for 50% life of mine gold production, has significantly boosted the division's shipments. The sharp rise in shipments will drive the value of this division.
Wheaton Precious Metals Corp.'s business model is to provide some of the necessary capital to other mining companies via an upfront payment to assist in the construction of mines. In return, the company gets a portion of the silver or gold produced as a by-product for a specified period (generally the life of the mine) at a fixed cost. Most companies assisted by Wheaton Precious Metals Corp. produce silver as a by-product of their mining operations. Accordingly, it is a mutually beneficial arrangement for the participating companies.
On average, Wheaton Precious Metals Corp. pays about $4-6 per ounce of silver procured from the mining companies. This fixed price is subject to change based on inflationary factors. The company does not have to pay for any additional development costs for any projects after the initial payment. Wheaton Precious Metals Corp. sells silver at spot market prices and does not hedge.
China is the world's largest consumer of precious metals. There is robust growth in demand for precious metals. The growing demand from increasingly affluent middle classes in emerging economies, such as China and India, will support prices of precious metals in the medium to long term.