Johnson Controls International (JCI) Revenue Comparison
Last Updated: 1/7/2025
Johnson Controls International (JCI) Revenue History
Johnson Controls International Revenue Comparisons
JCI Revenue vs. Operating Margin
=> JCI Operating Margin has increased from 7.8% to 10.5% in the last 6 years
=> A high or increasing operating margin is desirable
Revenue Growth vs. Peers, Industry & Sector
=> Based on LTM Revenue Growth, JCI is behind most peers considered. In addition, it is ahead of the sector but behind the industry
Revenue Growth vs. Category Peers
=> Category Peers = Companies with similar financial characteristics
P/S Valuation and Comparison vs. Peers
Currently, JCI is trading cheaper than most peers considered, while its LTM Revenue Growth is behind most peers
Johnson Controls International Revenue vs. Expected Return
Expected return is based on our estimate of Johnson Controls International valuation vs. market price
Two revenue derivatives influence valuation: P/S Valuation Multiple and Revenue Growth
JCI vs. S&P 500 vs. Trefis Multi-Strategy Portfolio: Performance Comparison
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